OS/2 EPM (Enhanced Editor)                                      08/16/92

    If you have any additions, changes, comments, or suggestions, please send
    them via CompuServe mail to Robert Simpson, CompuServe ID 71520,737.

EPM (Enhanced Editor) Tasks:
        These keys are documented in C:\OS2\APPS\EPMHELP.QHL.

        Tab                     Insert spaces up to next tab location
        F1                      Help
        F2                      Save and continue
        F3                      Quit without saving changes
        F4                      Save changes and quit
        F5 or Ctrl+O            Open another file
        F6                      Show draw options
        F7                      Change filename
        F9 or Alt+backspace     Undo changes to current line
        PageUp                  Scroll up one page
        PageDown                Scroll down one page
        Shift+F1                Scroll left (doesn't work for me)
        Shift+F2                Scroll right
        Shift+F3                Scroll up
        Shift+F4                Scroll down
        Shift+F5                Scroll current line to center of screen
        Shift+Tab               Move cursor back to previous tab location
        Ctrl+F1                 Change word to all upper case
        Ctrl+F2                 Change word to all lower case
        Ctrl+F3                 Change marked text to all upper case
        Ctrl+F4                 Change marked text to all lower case
        Ctrl+F5                 Move cursor to first character of current word
        Ctrl+F6                 Move cursor to last character of current word
        Ctrl+F7                 Shift marked text to right
                                (doesn't work for me)
        Ctrl+F8                 Shift marked text to left
                                (doesn't work for me)
        Alt+F1                  Insert box drawing characters
                                (then use cut/copy and paste)
        Alt+E                   Move cursor to end of marked area
        Alt+F                   Fill marked area with specified character
        Alt+J                   Join following line with current line
        Alt+L                   Mark the current line
        Alt+N                   Insert file name
        Alt+P                   Reformat paragraph
        Alt+S                   Split line at cursor
        Alt+U                   Unmark marked block
        Alt+W                   Mark word
        Alt+Y                   Move cursor to beginning of marked area
        Alt+-(twice)            Briefly circle cursor location
        Alt+= or Alt+0          Execute EPM commands on current line
        Ctrl+B                  Display list of bookmarks
        Ctrl+C                  Change next
        Ctrl+D                  Delete word
        Ctrl+E or Ctrl+Del[ete] Delete to end of line
        Ctrl+F                  Find next
        Ctrl+I                  Enter EPM command
        Ctrl+K                  Repeat current line
        Ctrl+L                  Copy current line to EPM command line
        Ctrl+M                  Insert blank line following current line
        Ctrl+Q                  Switch between ALL result file and original
                                searched file
                                (Enter "ALL /string/" at the EPM command 
                                prompt to create the ALL result file.)
        Ctrl+R                  Begin or end recording of keys
        Ctrl+S                  Search
        Ctrl+T                  Play back recorded keys
        Ctrl+X                  Expand abbreviation to full command syntax
                                (for languages supporting syntax expansion)
        Ctrl+Y                  Use Style (to change the color or font of
                                the marked text)
        Ctrl+2                  Insert NULL (x'00') character into text
        Ctrl+6                  Insert "*" (x'AA') character into text
        Ctrl+9                  Insert "{" (x'7B') character into text
        Ctrl+0                  Insert "}" (x'7D') character into text
        Ctrl+backspace          Delete current line
        Ctrl+Tab                Insert a tab character into text

    when Options/Preferences/Advanced_marking is NOT checked:

        Del[ete] or Alt+D       Delete marked block
        Alt+T                   Center text within margins
        Alt+Z                   Mark character at cursor

        Mouse actions:

        Button 1 click          Move cursor to location of mouse pointer
                                and unmark text
        Button 1 double click   Mark word
        Button 1 drag           Mark characters
        Button 2 + Ctrl drag    Mark lines or copy text in marked area

    when Options/Preferences/Advanced_marking is checked:

        Del[ete]                Delete character at cursor
        Shift+Del[ete]          Delete marked block
        Alt+A                   Move marked text to cursor location,
                                blanking marked area
        Alt+B ... Alt+B         Mark a block of text
        Alt+C                   Copy marked text to cursor location,
                                inserting before text at cursor.
        Alt+M                   Move marked text to cursor location,
                                deleting marked area
        Alt+O                   Copy marked text to cursor location,
                                overlaying text at cursor.
        Alt+R                   Reformat marked text
        Alt+T                   Center text within marked block
        Alt+Z                   Expand/contract marked area to character
                                at cursor

        Mouse actions:

        Button 1 click          Move cursor to location of mouse pointer
        Button 1 double click   Unmark marked area
        Button 1 drag           Mark block
        Button 1 + Ctrl drag    Mark characters
        Button 2 double click   Mark word
        Button 2 drag           Mark lines or move text in marked area
        Button 2 + Ctrl drag    Copy text in marked area

    when Options/Preferences/Stream_editing is NOT checked:

        Enter or Alt+Enter      Insert a new line at the cursor location
            or Ctrl+Enter

    when Options/Preferences/Stream_editing is checked:

        The action of the following keys may be changed on the
        Options/Preferences/Settings/Keys page of the notebook.
        The default actions are listed below.

        Enter or Alt+Enter      Insert a new line following the current line
        Ctrl+Enter              Move cursor to beginning of next line

    when Options/Preferences/Ring_enabled is checked:

        F8                      Add another file to the current window's ring
        F11 or Ctrl+P           Show previous file in ring
        F12 or Ctrl+N           Show next file in ring
        Alt+1                   Add file specified on current line of text to
        Ctrl+G                  List files in ring

    Cursor movement keys:

        Ctrl+PageUp             Move cursor to beginning of first line in window
        Ctrl+PageDown           Move cursor to beginning of last line in window

        The Shift keys can be used with any of the following keys to mark
        the text while the cursor is being moved.

        up arrow                Move cursor up one line
        down arrow              Move cursor down one line
        left arrow              Move cursor left one character (or from
                                beginning of line to end of previous line if
                                Options/Preferences/Stream_editing is checked.)
        right arrow             Move cursor right one character (or from
                                end of line to beginning of next line if
                                Options/Preferences/Stream_editing is checked.)
        Home                    Move cursor to beginning of current line
        End                     Move cursor to end of current line
        Ctrl+Home               Move cursor to beginning of file
        Ctrl+End                Move cursor to end of file

        When Options/Preferences/Advanced_marking is NOT checked, the Shift
        keys may be used with any of the following keys to mark the text
        while the cursor is being moved.

        Ctrl+left arrow         Move cursor back to first character of a word
        Ctrl+right arrow        Move cursor to first character of next word